Hi friends! cannot believe it’s been a whole week since I had my baby Vienna. She has been an absolute angel! She’s everything and more that we prayed for! Wanted to share my birth story with you all. As some of you remember, I had a difficult birth with Aria. I was in labor for 43 hours and was pushing her out for 3.5 hours. She came out lifeless and it was an absolute miracle that Aria started to breathe and is one healthy baby! I tore 3rd degree pushing Aria out. And on my 5th week followup, my doctor said I had to get a revision surgery because my repair was not done correctly. I remember waking up after the surgery and the pain was unbearable! My recovery was very tough with Aria. It took months for me to finally starting to feel normal again. And the thought of having more children frightened me. But overtime I was able to heal physically and emotionally.
When I got pregnant with Vienna I was so excited! And the thought of giving birth did not frighted me but actually made me excited. I knew for sure that this time around it would be different. I was scheduled to get an induction on July 18th at 9am. The reason why I was getting induced was because Aria was 9.3 pounds and the risk of my next baby being large was high. I remember going to sleep that day before the induction day, and I was so excited! Aria went to grandmas house and Meesh and I had dinner, watched a movie, and actually were able to get some rest that night. In the morning of the 18th, we woke up, packed some extra things (my hospital bag was already ready), and left the house. I wanted an iced vanilla latte, so we stopped by Starbucks first and went to the hospital. We got admitted at 9:30 am and by the time we signed some paperwork and got settled in our room it was closer to 11am. At 11 am I got my IV in my arm. This IV was not as painful as I remember. But the blood collected and created a blood bubble size of a prune. Swelling went down a bit in my arm and the nurse kept the IV in. At 12:30 pm I had an ultrasound done and Vienna was in the right position – head down. They estimated she would weigh 7/8 pounds. At 1:05 pm I got the pill called – Citertex – It softens cervix and it’s more natural way to start dilating before getting Pitocin. At 8pm they checked my dilation and I was at 0 cm and nurse gave me another citerex pill and antibiotic.
The next day (July 19th) at 1am, 5am, and 9am I got another citerex pill and my contractions slowly increasing every 3-5 mins. Meesh and I had bagels and coffee around 10 am and at 1 pm doctor checked my dilation and I was still at 0 cm. Thats when I got my last citerex pill and antibiotic. Finally at 6:30 pm nurse checked my dilation and said I was at 1 cm. We were so excited to finally start the process! At 8pm FINALLY got Pitocin! They started me off on level 1 and through the night moved to level 4 and then to level 6 in the morning. But in the morning I realized that I did not feel any contractions at all!
It was Saturday, July 20th, I was on Pitocin on level 6 not feeling any contraction and the doctor came in at 9am checked my dilation and said my cervix was not opening and I was still at 0 cm dilated. At this point the doctor asked me why aren’t I getting a c – section. When the doctor mentioned a c – section and said that she is able to do it in few hours, Meesh and I both had such peace about it. The day before when the nurse mentioned me getting a c – section or possibly of going home and waiting for my water to break first, I was so upset and started to weep. This was not suppose to be this way, I thought to myself. But that morning of July 20th, Meesh and I knew that c – section was the right decision for us. Both of us felt such peace. We told the doctor the we wanted to proceed with the c – section. C – section was scheduled at 11:30 am.
Verse of the day Isaiah 43:2 – “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”
Preparation for the C-Section:
It was 11:45am and anaesthesiologist came in and talked to me about getting a spinal tap. I got an epidural with Aria, so I was familiar with the shot. Then the nurse brought clothes for Meesh to change in and Meesh stayed in the room while the nurse took me to the OR room to get ready for the surgery. I remember walking down the hallway and being so nervous. We walked into the OR room and all I remember it being super cold, super bright, and all the different surgical tools laying on the table. Nurse told me to sit down on the operating table. She gave me a pillow to hold and said to curve my back. I remember my body shaking uncontrollably. Anesthesiologist came into the room and told me he’s going to give me a shot to numb the area in my lower back. It felt like a bee sting and then I felt pressure in the same spot. Instantly, It felt like hot water going from my lower back, down my legs and then to my toes. Nurses laid me down on the table and called the doctor in. Personally, the spinal tap did not hurt at all. The IV that they put into my arm hurt way more than the spinal tap. They put another IV in my left arm and plugged something else in my right arm. Then they put a curtain up that’s when Meesh came into the room. I remember feeling like I was going to throw up. My body was shaking and I was so scared! The thought that they are going to be cutting my body and being completely awake and aware freaked me out! We asked to turn on some instrumental worship music on in the room, and that definitely helped. Meesh was holding my arm and calming me down. The anaesthesiologist stayed right behind me through the whole surgery. I remember nurses naming every took and then I felt them touching my stomach. I did feel some movement and touch but there was no pain. I remember smelling something burning ( I think it was laser to cut my stomach) and then I just felt them moving stuff around. Then all of the sudden I heard the sweetest scream! Meesh and I were looking at our Vienna and both started to cry. They showed us Vienna through the curtain and then Meesh went to cut her umbilical chord and right after that they gave me Vienna to hold for the first time. I remember just being so in love with her instantly. It was 12:30pm when they cut me open and at 12:46pm Vienna was born! Instantly, I forgot about everything and It was such an unforgettable moment!
Vienna Sky Fomenko was born on July 20th, at 12:46pm, 8.12oz, and 20” long – PERFECTION!
Right after surgery they took me back to the room and where had the “Golden Hour”. It was just Meesh, Vienna and I. Spent some time together and then we were moved to the postpartum floor where I would spend the next 3 days in. For c-sections – it’s typical to stay at the hospital for 3 days to recover. We had some family and friends come for few hours after Vienna was born. I was excited for Aria to finally meet her baby sister. The moment she came into the room, she was in awe to see Vienna. She instantly sat on my bed and wanted to hold her. It was love at first sight! We prepared a gift for Aria from Vienna, she opened it and was so thankful. Aria is the best big sister! She is so caring and gentle with her (:
Twelve hours after the surgery (which was around mid night) per doctors orders the nurse removed all the bandages and the catheter. I was able to stand up and take few steps. Six hours after that I was able to go to the bathroom and pee. That was actually difficult because in a weird way, I did not know how! The organs are all over my stomach and it took few hours for me to learn again how to pee haha. I heard that when someone gets a c-section it’s very painful and difficult to release gas. Because once they open the stomach a lot of air goes into the stomach and needs to come out. I personally did not have an issue with that! By the next morning I was able to walk around comfortably. All the nurses were shocked how quickly I was recovering! By Monday morning they already wanted to release me. But I had a difficult time breastfeeding. I broke down that day and we decided to stay one more night. I worked with two lactation consultants and they helped me a lot! I’m still trying to figure out the whole breastfeeding situation. It’s so painful! But I heard it’s a process and I’m currently pumping and giving Vienna a bottle and breastfeeding in between.
It’s been a week since Vienna was born and I stopped taking all medication since Thursday. I’m able to walk around and enjoy my sweet family. Recovery so far has been amazing! Definitely a different experience giving birth this time around. Even though it did not go according to what we planned, God was always with us. I felt His presence though the whole process. Now looking back, I’m so glad I got a c-section. My baby girl is healthy and I’m about to be mobile and soak in every moment. Plus, my recovery has been so quick and easy. Thank you all for your prayers and support!