Hi friends! I cannot believe it’s been 3 weeks since I gave birth to Vienna Sky. Life has defiantly been different, but so good! We are a family of four now. One of the most common questions I get asked is “how is nursing going?” And to be completely honest, It’s been so difficult! Especially the first couple of weeks. I wanted to exclusively breast feed this time around. Two days after Vienna was born, I remember breaking down and crying at the hospital. I went though a c-section and trying to breast feed was no joke. I’m so thankful for all the nurses and lactation consultants that helped me out in the hospital. Breast feeding was so tough for me! I was bleeding and it was SO painful! I remember experiencing the same outcome when Aria was born also. Vienna was loosing some weight at the hospital and lactation consultants advised me to pumping and giving breast milk though a syringe with a feeding tube. I’ve never heard or seen anything like that, but that helped Vienna get more milk and still be able to breast feed.
Once I got home breast feeding was so difficult for me, especially the first two weeks were the hardest. I remember crying every time Vienna was latching. But I’m glad I pushed though and now able to breast feed and have extra milk with pumping. All the mamas out there that are breast feeding, pumping, or giving formula – YOU ARE AMAZING! Being a mother is the most difficult yet, the most rewarding job there is!
I knew I’ll be pumping several times a day, I wanted to make sure I was getting a pump that had great features. I started to use Sonata Smart Breast Pump. And let me tell you, It’s amazing! Sonata has a touch screen display that has timer. It has been really helpful knowing how long I’ve been pumping. Also, it much quieter than other pumps. Already in 3 weeks my freezer is full with frozen breast milk. I really love Sonata Smart Breast Pump!
I do still breast feed but It’s usually at night or if we are out and I don’t have time to pump. During the night I wear Maternity and Nursing Sleep bra. It’s super comfortable and easy to breast feed. Also, Medela Maternity and Nursing Comfort Bra is one of my favorite! It’s non-wire and seamless design provides great support and every comfort during pregnancy and while nursing.
I also got Medela maternity and nursing pillow. It’s designed with adaptability, flexibility and quality to be a comfort companion for moms throughout pregnancy and after birth, eliminating the need for separate prenatal and postpartum products. The micro-pearl filling keeps cool and allows for noiseless adjustment and undisturbed sleeping and feeding. The Maternity and Nursing Pillow provides restful and supportive relaxation, allowing mom to take care of her body and provide breast milk for baby.
Thanks for reading a part of my story. If you are expecting and planning to breast feed, my advice is to start educating yourself about breast feeding. And here are couple products that really helped me the first few days when I started to breast feed.
Medela Soothing Gel Pads
Medela Nipple Shield
Medela SoftShells for Sore Nipples
Medela Nipple Cream