Hi Friends,
I had such an amazing week celebrating my birthday. Thank you all for the sweetest messages, love you all! Meesh (my husband) surprised me to go to Disnaland! Like I wrote on my Instagram, I’m not the biggest fan but I’ve been wanted by to take Aria there for a while now.
We go there around 8:30am and went to California Adventute first. I was looking forward talking Aria to Bug’s Life and we found out that they closed that ride. Aria is one year and 9 months and too small for most of the rides at California Adventire. The only ride she was able to go was Ariel.
Around noon Aria fell asleep and we went to Downtown Disney to get brunch. Then once Aria woke up we headed to Disneyland.
Omg, she loveeedddd Disneyland the moment we entered it. We took some photos by the castle and the first ride we went in was Dumbo. It was so fun and Aria kept on asking for more. Then we went on Teacups, Alice in Woderland, Looney Town, and It’s a Small World. After that we watched the parade and then Aria fell asleep. We went back to Dowtown Disney to get lunch at the Mexican restaurant. Then got Starbucks and went back to Disneyland. It was getting darker and we took Aria on the carousel and Dumbo once again and decided to head home.
We left at 8:30pm! Can’t believe we were there for 12 hours! We were so exhausted but left with some amazing memories. It a beauty seeing the world through child’s eye. The ways Aria wasn’t mezmorised and in awe with all the details was priceless. I’m excited to make this a tradition and keep on taking Aria to Disneyland. This was the best birthday present♥️