Hi my loves,
Yes, we are learning how to say grace before we eat! haha. My favorite thing is cooking for Aria. It is the funnest and the sweetest thing watching her eat. I bought so many different bowls, sippy cups, spoons and forks. I was so excited to collaborate with Re-Play, they have the cutest, sustainable, and affordable products. RepPlay is manufactured in the USA. Their products are made from recycled milk jugs. How cool is that?! Re-Play strives to fulfill five tenets of responsibility that are utmost important to them and their customers: Sustainability, Safety, Durability, Functionality and Affordability. You can purchase Re-Play products online thru Amazon or at http://shop.re-play.com/. You will also find Re-Play products at Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, Kroger, Target, HEB, Amazon and various specialty shops and grocers around the country. Go check them out!